...the pictures are coming. I think the internet got slower; I'm at the rents' casa. O no! Hopefully I'll have some wicked awesome pics coming after tomorrow. I'm working at the treinen corn maze. No idea how to hyperlink in this thing, so www.treinenfarm.com. If you're bored tomorrow you should stop out.
Someone from church died today too. Sherry, I believe is her name. Probably spelled that wrong. But I talked to Cherie and she is happy that Sherry is in heaven now. Sherry's nephew is probably having a rough time with it though. His mom died like four years ago and so his aunt, Sherry, adopted him. Now she is gone. It just kinda sucks, ya know. Why does crap like this happen? If God has a plan for everything, what's the plan in this? What's the plan in all the other tragedies in life? I feel like I'm going back a couple years to our IV CMW and asking "Why do bad things happen?" Can that question ever really be answered? Probably. Maybe.
Other church related news, Teen Challenge will be here on Sunday. That's always exciting. It always amazes me to hear different stories of how people got saved, and what God pulled them out of. And it's not just one age group/gender/race/whatever. It's a wide variety of people. It will also be an amazing day because there is a pot luck to follow! Joy. I heart free food of joy. Especially old lady cooking and homecooking. Both favorites.
Well, since it's night and I'm tired, I'm going to keep going with the typing. This rarely happens!! O no! (...again...)
So, I think I'm taking this week off from as much stuff as possible. Usually I am loaded down with work and school and InterVarsity. I can't really take off of classes, though it would be nice. I hope I don't have to take too many news stories for applied comm. That class consumes the majority of my time. I don't think I'm going to do much IV related things. Sorry Ryno, that probably means IVLeague too. I need to catch up on homework. And stop failing exams.
You know, it's probably not a great idea to be writing at night. That's when everything comes out. But I guess since people aren't used to reading words on my page, it's ok. Anyone even still with me? Did you skip some lines??? ...cheater.
Something to look forward to is Mellen '07! The IV worship team is going up to Can-- going up north to play at Ryno's church. That should be a good time. 10 ish people in a 15 passenger van. Me driving. Moohahahaha!!!
Ok I think I'm done now. Since I'm not posting pictures here, you can see all my other pics on Picasa: http://picasaweb.google.com/Megan.Etter. I really should figure out this hyperlink stuff of doom.
K bye!