Monday, June 30, 2008

Spokefolk: Days 2-12 and beyond

Well, I don't know what the beyond is...but days 2-12 were fun! The program ended up being awesome! We played at two different camps. One was for autistic kids. We had to shorten our program and amazingly we kept their attention very well. It was an awesome experience for everyone. The next day we played at another camp that was family week. We played at an outdoor camp and had to extend the program because the parents had something going on. So we added another 30 minutes onto our 60 minute program and it was a blast! We kept their attention too! It was cool. AFterwards, all the little kids chased some of the SFers. We also did the boogaloo. I think before both of those camps we were in Three Lakes (btw-don't drink the water there, something's messed up there...). We had 3-4 outdoor concerts the entire tour. I appreciate them a lot, but we were ready to get back inside. We had some spiffy churches and delicious food. Our longest day biking was 73 miles, but my bike's odometer said 76 miles.

There is way too much awesomeness to write about. The most amazing awesomeness to write about is that I am going on ANOTHER one in Boston. It's July 30-August 10. Sponsor me!! I need some fundage to get out there and I'm hoping another girl from my church will come.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spokefolk: Day 1

Technically for the counselors it's day 2, but officially for tour it's day 1. It already feels like we've been here for a while because people have bonded quickly. Usually we don't become this close until day 4 or 5. God is going to do some awesome stuff these 12 days! There are 18 people total; my second smallest tour. A lot of people are from Florida. One guy said it's like a culture shock being here compared to Florida. They aren't used to green and hills.

I've been keeping pretty busy these past couple days too. I never really had a whole lot of time to prepare for tour and the time that I did have I spent watching tv. I enjoy not having a tv in Platteville. I am the instrumental director. I've been trying to setup the entire sound system and instruments since we got here yesterday and I'm not quite done. Today I spent a few hours in Wausau. I bought an electric guitar. Who does that?!? Ok, well, me. I've been torn between saving up for a new lens or an electric guitar. I'm split right down the middle between photography and music and I've just been waiting for the decision of what to do. I went to an awesome store in Wausau and the people there were very friendly and helpful. You don't find much of that at the stores in Madison. I got to play around on some pretty fun guitars. Eventually I'll post a picture of the one I got. It's a Hamer. I've never actually heard of that brand until today. I plugged it into a Marshall combo amp (which I also considered buying) and the guitar sounded right and fit me well too. The guy helping me also gave me a huge discount on a hard case. The guitar itself was a discount. I guess originally it's $650-$700 and I got it for $300.

Anyway, enough about the guitar. Tomorrow continues our training. After we wake up and eat breakfast I'll be getting band stuff going while non-band people practice singing. Then, after lunch, we have a 10 mile training ride, followed by an ice cold hose shower. Yay!

Prayer requests:
-Safety while biking
-Grow close to each other
-We learn music fast
-God's presence would be strong among us

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Official...*Update*

I have a newish phone! Yay! That means you can call me! And you should cause I don't have my contacts anymore. Call me or email me so I can have your number. Then I can call you. I'm leaving tomorrow for Spokefolk and it's gonna be awesome!!

ALSO, more cool stuff. I entered a photography competition thing. Go here and vote for my stuff. You can vote once in 24 hours. Tell everyone!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

San Francisco #5

This is a picture of a bumper sticker I saw while Lauren and I were walking around in SF. It made me laugh. Of course I had to take a picture of it!

(...still no cell phone....yay!!?)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's Official...

...I lost my phone...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

CFW #3

Today's post is dedicated to numerous things:

1. The Swan Dive

2. Various aminals you will find at Cedar (we also saw a porcupine while driving back to north shore. It was spiffy)

3. And Eric